Friday, June 1, 2012


What a week! We have been doing LOTS of art projects and playing outside (weather permitting)... I finally have Photoshop for Dummies and PROMISE to work on posting more... 
 Above is a collection of the fun and randomness... Dad bought me a couple of frames to be crafty with ;c) I sanded and painted... and sanded and painted.... Finally they are complete and on the wall! Whew
The sky is so beautiful! 
Oh, I got you some new swim shorts with skulls and rocker type stuff... even has a bit of purple (obviously my favorite color)...
Look at those cute little butts! *More clouds from another evening... prettttty*
I am so glad we have a backyard for you to run around and play! It is just darling to watch you in the water, climbing around the deck and laughin' your little bums silly!
I painted some purple tulips for C-Lo's birthday... Not bad for my first attempt at flowers... Must be in my blood...  (Your Great Grandmother Pink is a pro at flowers and watercolor in general... and of course Grandmother Michelle is an artist as well.... ) ;c)
Oh and I did promise a memorial day craft... I stole the idea for hand-print flags from C-Lo (thanks!)...  It didn't turn out that well but you had a blast, so I consider that a win! **
Much more fun to freehand and be creative.... RED,WHITE & BLUE craft, check!

**I thought I would throw in a little picture of you sleeping... I don't have many and it is pure joy to have you cuddle up on each side of me... Even more precious, waking up to your kisses every morning! I have some sweet little boys! 

 I love you Cash Ryland & Bentley Jax! 

1 comment:

  1. It is so much fun to see all the photos of Bentley and Cash having fun. I can almost hear them laughing!

    I think you did a fabulous job painting the tulips!! It makes me so happy you love art like I do. And, that you are teaching the boys to love it as well.

    Hope you will come see me sometime. I am only here 3 more weeks! Let me know if I can come see you, been waiting for an invite.

    Love you all,
