WOW! I don't know what happened to the Summer... It took foreverrrrr to get warm, then it was too hot and I was taking 9 credits... I am happy to say I just submitted my final exam for my online history class I was taking for FUN... yeah, I wont be doing that again...I managed to send in the WRONG midterm and failed... Now I am just hoping to pass the class and not repay the school *.... My welded sculpture class was phenomenal, I love love loved it! If I won the lottery I would totally buy a MIG welding machine... okay, I might not be able to wait that long (I don't even play the lottery haha)....
Goodness let me just bombard you with a massive collection of pictures ;c)
Your Great Grandfather Jim and his wife Gale came to visit, Uncle Jack started football, Cousin Drew was teaching you to skateboard,Uncle Maddox was creating drawings for everyone ;c)
It was nice to see family!
Yer Mommy made a couple tutus for a birthday party and baby shower ... You guys loved being my little models ;c) Thanks for fulfilling my need so I don't need to have any more babies haha.....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADISON! We saw my ol' friend Trish for her daughter's 1st birthday and it was grea to see you playing with other kiddos! You two also enjoyed some Popsicle, pool and slide time...
I am so lucky to be your MOM!

I completed my scultpute class (by the skin of my teeth).... It got knocked over and scratched the paint... SO until I fix it and figure out what I want to do with the other side (long story) this is what we have...
On the way back we stopped by your late Great Grandmother's house to take some pictures....
It was nice to see family!
Yer Mommy made a couple tutus for a birthday party and baby shower ... You guys loved being my little models ;c) Thanks for fulfilling my need so I don't need to have any more babies haha.....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADISON! We saw my ol' friend Trish for her daughter's 1st birthday and it was grea to see you playing with other kiddos! You two also enjoyed some Popsicle, pool and slide time...

I completed my scultpute class (by the skin of my teeth).... It got knocked over and scratched the paint... SO until I fix it and figure out what I want to do with the other side (long story) this is what we have...
We also traveled to Kent for our friends Nicole and Tyler's baby shower... We look forward to baby Kyla's entrance into the world!
After the shower we had a little get together at your Dad's childhood friend Chad's house... You had a blast dancing around with all the little kiddos!
She was an original scrapbook-er and has albums upon albums! I have several more picture to scan... One of these days we will return and I will bring a scanner! She has amazing pictures of her growing up... black and whites of her playing twister with friends.. in long dresses! Super neat history!
Whew, I made it through Summer quarter! Now I have a couple weeks to breathe until Fall classes begin ;c)
I love you Cash Ryland & Bentley Jax,equally and more than anything!