Saturday, March 5, 2011

Stroller Breakdown

IS it possible to breakdown in a stroller?!? YES! Today (being the first nice day in far too long), I decided to get out the BIG stroller and take those boys on a little stroll around the neighborhood... 
 PERFECT OUTSIDE!!! Cool crisp air, beautiful blue sky with white fluffy clouds... SUN!

  I don't really get out much... Taking out twins out alone is a big ordeal, as a result I spend most days indoors. I was PUMPED to get out and about! Just as we finished up a little off-roading.....

 I crossed the street only to have one of the front wheels completely FALL off!!! I'm talking all the nuts, bolts and bearings...SUCKKKKK!

I sat down to ATTEMPT to fix the tire, i'm pretty smart and figured how HARD could this really be??? Well... I realized pretty quickly I could not do this alone and called JOSH to rescue us from the sidewalk corner... 

**(Okay this picture is after he arrives but I had to show how impossible it was for me to get home...)**
After further examination, the black foot rest needed to come off in order to access the area in which the pieces belonged... (how did it come off in the first place???) A woman on a bike and a mom pushing her kiddo stopped to ask if I needed help (it was kinda OBVIOUS).... haha

Josh arrived like a knight in shiny RED armor! WOO HOO! HE realized quickly we needed a screwdriver.. Drove home fast, came back and fixed everything... 

Cash fell asleep while Bentley was talking up a storm the entire time... 

After the rescue, Josh turn to me and says "Bri, the back tires are flat..." lol SILLY me... 
We made it back safe and sound... Bentley has now fallen asleep and now its time to watch some Sprout TV with my Cash Man... 

WOW! What an adventure! Sure glad I had the camera in my pocket to capture these precious moments!!! 
THANK YOU JOSH for coming to the RESCUE!! I love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! Great story, Bri........ happy it turned out so well. Three cheers for JOSH!! And, good thing the boys are so good natured. How long did you wait for the rescue??? Now, you will need a tool kit and tire pump to take on stroller outings! PINK
